Well I'm still working constantly on my copic training. It's going really well. I cannot believe how well my "Swatch" book is going and what a big help it is in doing your coloring. I have to admit when I first looked at others pics, I just didn't really get it. What am I going to ever use this for? Well........now I know. Last night I was coloring a picture of a watering can and flowers and I just flipped to my Metals page and there were the colors I had predetermined were best for metal and that was all she wrote....... Here is a pic of the can finished. Love the book.

Just wish my scanner picked up the vibrancy you
see in the real thing. I know everyone has this
problem when scanning, so that makes me feel better.
I'm also still getting together all my information to start teaching classes. Yes, I'm going for it. Why not? There is no one within 60 miles of me offering classes and I think it will really go over. I live right next to a college and I might even get some interest from the artsy students.
My biggest speed bump right now is finding the right location to hold them. My home is very tiny so not even an option. I have 3 places to check out, so that is my goal for this week.
Teaching some classes sounds like such a simple thing, but it is a little intimidating. And this is what I used to do before I became a WAHW. I used to train all the new hires for a large corporation in St. Louis. But that was 15 years ago. Yikes! I CAN DO IT! Can't I?